Historic Santos Recreation Area
8 a.m. until sundown, 365 days a year
No fee required
3550 S.E. 80th St.
Ocala FL 34480
Contact Info
Welcome to Historic Santos Recreation Area
Located on the site of a historic African-American community, the recreation area continues to serve descendants of the original settlers.
Many of the settlers were displaced in the mid-1930s to make way for the Great Depression era sea-level Cross Florida Ship Canal.
The project was funded for only a few years under President Franklin Roosevelt with intentions to put people back to work. The project successfully employed approximately 8,000 workers at its peak.
Today, there is a multi-use sports field near the location of a former historic Negro League baseball field, a basketball court, numerous picnic pavilions and a restroom with potable water. Annually, on the last Saturday of February, Historic Santos residents, along with park service staff, hold and enjoy a celebration of Historic Santos.
Historic Santos is located just east of U.S. 441 on Southeast 80th Street adjacent to the Marion County Sheriff’s station in the middle of U.S. 441.