Indian River Lagoon Preserve State Park
Protecting the watershed of the Indian River Lagoon
Open 8 a.m. to sunset
No fee required
Off U.S. Highway A1A
Indian River FL 32951
Contact Info
Welcome to Indian River Lagoon Preserve State Park
Located on a barrier island south of Melbourne, this preserve protects the watershed of the Indian River Lagoon.
The most biologically diverse estuary in North America, the lagoon has been designated an Outstanding Florida Water and an Estuary of National Significance. The site's mangrove wetlands and salt marshes filter runoff, stabilize sediments, maintain water quality and protect shorelines from erosion.
This site is currently open, however, it has limited facilities. It is undergoing an aggressive restoration program to remove invasive plants and reintroduce native species.
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Indian River Lagoon Preserve State Park Photo Gallery
