Stump Pass Beach State Park
8 a.m. until sundown, 365 days a year
$3 per vehicle
900 Gulf Blvd.
South end of Manasota Key
Englewood FL 34233
Contact Info
Welcome to Stump Pass Beach State Park
At the southwest corner of Charlotte County, there is a mile of beach where seashells and shark teeth wash up, and anglers fish the surf for prize catches.

Visitors come to this secluded beach to enjoy the year-round swimming and sunbathing. Shelling is best during the winter months. A hiking trail passes through five distinct natural communities that provide habitat for many species of wildlife. Covered picnic tables are located along the trail.
Visitors can launch a kayak and paddle around the two islands just east of the park's land base. While at the park, visitors might see West Indian manatees, gopher tortoises, snowy egrets, least terns and magnificent frigate birds. Ranger-led nature hikes are available in the winter.
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