Trails at Rock Springs Run
Hiking Trails
The reserve has 14 miles of hiking trails that take hikers through diverse habitats such as sand pine scrub, pine flatwoods, bayheads, oak hammocks and swamps.
The most unique natural feature of the reserve is the spring/run river system which surrounds most of the reserve's perimeter and can be accessed from the hiking trails.

As you traverse through the unique habitat communities on our trails be on the lookout for the wildlife that could be around you.
As you walk by the scrub habitat at Rock Springs Run State Reserve you might alert the curious Florida scrub-jay that is a resident in our scrub habitat. The Florida black bear, sandhill crane, indigo snake, gopher tortoise and a variety of more common species often are seen throughout the reserve.
Because the trails are multi-use, be prepared to meet the occasional bicyclist, horseback rider or park vehicle. Please stay on designated trails, hike responsibly, and respect the park's visitors and wildlife. The park closes at sundown and you must exit the park at that time, so please plan your hike accordingly.
- The trails are located in a wilderness area. Please take water, a compass and a map when exploring the trails.
- Rock Springs Run State Reserve has several weekend hunts from October to January, during the hunt weekends parts of the trail system will be closed and all hunting areas posted for your safety. See park alerts for more information.
Horse Equestrian Trail
Rock Springs Run State Reserve has 17 miles of horse trails that are multi-use trails taking the rider through a variety of plant communities and near Rock Springs Run.

Horses and riders are required to stay on the designated horse trails. Because the trails are multi-use, be prepared to meet the occasional hiker, bicyclist or park vehicle.
Please ride responsibly, and respect the park's visitors and wildlife. The park closes at sundown and you must exit the park at that time, so please plan your ride accordingly
- Horses are not permitted in the spring run. There is a flowing well along the trail for thirsty horses but this water is non-potable and not for human consumption.
- Proof of negative Coggins is required.
- The trails are located in a wilderness area. Please take water, a compass, and a map when exploring the trails.
- Rock Springs Run State Reserve has several weekend hunts from October to January, during the hunt weekends parts of the trail system will be closed and all hunting areas posted for your safety.